Adha BBQ 2023
Assalamu Alaikum
SMCC is pleased to announce the return of our annual Adha community BBQ!
This year our BBQ will take place on Saturday July 1, 2023 from 2:00 pm until 8:00 pm at Gold Bar Park Site 1 located at 10955 – 50 St. NW (Park site map & Google map at the bottom of page for directions).
Tickets may be purchased from any Shura member or the ticket price ($10 per person) can be sent by e-transfer to treasurer@masjidannoor.ca. If you send by e transfer please put “Eid Ul Adha Ticket Fee” in the message. If you send an e transfer your ticket will be handed to you during the picnic.
We look forward to seeing you there Inshallah!

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