Annoor Prayer Times
October 22, 2024

19 Rabī ath-Thānī 1446

Jumuah 1:20

Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.     Quran 2:274

Aquidah & Seerah Lessons

Aquidah & Seerah Lessons

Expand your knowledge and strengthen your faith. Our interim Imam, Jeton Maloku, is currently holding lessons in Aquidah (Creed or Articles of faith) and Seerah (the life of the Prophet (pbuh)).

Aquidah lessons will be held at Annoor Islamic Centre every Friday after Isha Prayers and at Masjid Annoor every Saturday after Maghrib Prayers.

Seerah lessons are being held at Masjid Annoor every Tuesday after Isha prayers.

Please come and join us.

Masajid Open

Masajid Open

Masjid Annoor And Annoor Islamic Centre Open


Assalamu Aliakum

Al hamdulillah we will be resuming all scheduled activities at both Masjid Annoor and Annoor Islamic Center effective 1:00 pm tomorrow afternoon (Sunday July 12, 2020).  During this brief shutdown we have taken the opportunity to clean and sanitize both Masajid and develop new stricter measures to protect all who enter the Masajid.

Everyone entering Masjid Annoor and Annoor Islamic Centre must:

  • Have a mask on
  • Bring and use own a Prayer Mat


No Mask, No Mat, No Entry.



  • Social distancing will be strictly enforced – 6’ (2 m) between all individuals inside the Masajid
  • Children under 8 years of age will not be permitted inside the Masajid
  • Washrooms will not be available and therefore we request our respected congregation to come to the Masajid with Wudu
  • We request all the congregation to leave the premises immediately after completing their prayers and not to socialize inside or outside the Masajid

Lastly, if you are feeling unwell in any ways, we ask that you refrain from coming to the Masjid until you have been cleared by a physician.

We thank you all for your patience during the last few days and are looking forward to seeing all of you at the Masajid in the very near future.

Temporary Closure

Temporary Closure

Assallamu Alaikum


Early Wednesday, July 08 we were informed that one of our community members is being tested for the Covid-19 virus.  Out of an abundance of caution we are terminating all activities at Annoor Islamic Centre and at Masjid Annoor until confirmation of the test results are received and a full risk assessment is carried out. 

 We would like to stress that this is only a presumptive case. Nothing will be confirmed until either Sunday or Monday.

The health and wellness of our members and our community is our primary concern and all actions we take are to minimize any potential risks to the community.  We ask all our members to be extra diligent in following the guidelines as issued by Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada to protect themselves and our neighbours.

Further communications will follow as additional information becomes available.

We ask Allah SWT to protect all of us from this virus and grant a speedy recovery for all those already inflicted with this illness.

New Prayer Guidelines

New Prayer Guidelines

Assalamu Aliakum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh,

On May 12, 2020, the office of the Premier issued an email to religious assemblies informing that congregational assemblies and prayers to a maximum of 50 people or up to a third of the normal capacity of the assembly hall whichever is less may resume.  There are also other restriction to maintain physical distancing of 2 meters minimum, alongside other rules to clean the surfaces after each congregational prayer.

Alhamdulilah, the Annoor Islamic Centre and Masjid Annoor will commence Taraweeh Prayers with a maximum capacity of 50 Musalleen starting tomorrow Thursday May 14.  Jumaa Prayers will commence with 50 person limit starting this coming Friday Insha Allah.  As we have special conditions to comply with, we request all to adhere to the following guidelines for both Jumaa and Taraweeh:

  • Entrance into both Masajid will be on a first come first served basis.  If you come and the doors are locked or if you enter and all the designated spots are taken, please leave the masjid promptly so that we maintain the maximum capacity as designated by the government.
  • We will be maintaining physical distancing of 2 meters and each prayer spot has been marked on the floor
  • Please bring your prayer mat with you, there will be limited number of paper mats available.  If you use one of the disposable paper mats, please place it in the garbage can at the end of the prayers.
  • The washrooms will be closed so please come with Wudu.
  • There will be no food or water allowed for sharing inside the Masjid.  You can can bring your own water bottle and please take it home with you at the end of prayers.
  • Those over 70 years of age or those with pre-existing illness should not come to the Masjid.
  • Children under 14 years of age should not come to the Masjid.
  • Anyone not feeling well or has any signs of illness, coughing, sneezing, or even the slightest elevated temperature please do not come to the masjid for the protection of all the Musalleens insha Allah.
  • Ishaa Prayer will be immediately after Azan followed by Taraweeh prayer.
  • Jumaa Prayer at Annoor Islamic Centre will be at 2:00pm
  • Jumaa Prayer at Masjid Annoor will be immediately after Azan