Annoor Prayer Times
February 18, 2025

21 Sha'ban 1446

Jumuah 12:50

Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.     Quran 2:274

Monthly Talk 202102

Monthly Talk 202102


The SMCC is pleased to have Sheikh Mohamad Rekieh present a talk on Zoom titled “Where do we get our Islamic knowledge from” on Sunday February 21, 2021 starting at 12:00pm.  We encourage all to dial in and especially our youth. 

We would like to thank our education committee for arranging this talk and Insha’Allah this will be the beginning of a series of monthly talks via Zoom on a variety of topics.  To join, please click on or cut and paste the Zoom link below into your web browser. 

 Zoom Meeting link:




Aquidah & Seerah Lessons

Aquidah & Seerah Lessons

Expand your knowledge and strengthen your faith. Our interim Imam, Jeton Maloku, is currently holding lessons in Aquidah (Creed or Articles of faith) and Seerah (the life of the Prophet (pbuh)).

Aquidah lessons will be held at Annoor Islamic Centre every Friday after Isha Prayers and at Masjid Annoor every Saturday after Maghrib Prayers.

Seerah lessons are being held at Masjid Annoor every Tuesday after Isha prayers.

Please come and join us.