Annoor Prayer Times
October 22, 2024

19 Rabī ath-Thānī 1446

Jumuah 1:20

Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.     Quran 2:274

2021-2022 Shura

2021-2022 Shura

2021 – 2022 Shura Members


President:            Hadi Masri

Vice-President:   Nasser Omar

Treasurer:           Mahbub Choudhury

Secretary:            Mohamad El Hamoui

Member:             Ali Ahmed (New)

Member:             Tariq Chaudary

Member:             Nahla Gomaa

Member:             Zain Japanwala (New)

Member:             Umar Khalil (New)

Member:             Lubna Sami

Member:             Karahan Yanik (New)


Shura members phone numbers can be found posted at Masjid Annoor and Annoor Islamic Centre in both the brothers and sisters areas and their email address can be found on our about us page.  Please feel free to contact us with your comments or concerns or just to say Assallamu Alaikum.



AGM 2021

AGM 2021

Dear SMCC Members, 

The Shoora of the Southwest Muslim Community Centre (SMCC) cordially invites you to attend our upcoming 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on February 20.


Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM, February 20, 2021 (Saturday) 


Annoor Islamic Centre, 332 Saddleback Road NW 

*Current guidance of 15% fire code capacity, 2 meters spacing and mask use will be maintained. Please bring your own mask and prayer mat. 


  • Opening Dua and Quran Recitation 
  • President’s Opening Remarks 
  • Approval of 2019 AGM Minutes – motion 
  • Approval of 2020 AGM Agenda – motion 
  • Financial Report 
  • Educational Committee Report 
  • Future Plans 
  • Q&A 
  • Election of Shoora Members 
  • Closing Dua 


Nominations for Shoora Members Elections are due February 13.  In order to nominate any current SMCC member for a Shoora position, please complete the attached nomination form, obtain the signature of the nominee and those nominating them and submit the completed form to any Shoora member or to this e-mail address prior to February 13

We are looking forward to seeing you at our 2021 Annual General Meeting. Your attendance is important.  



All Congregational Prayers Cancelled

All Congregational Prayers Cancelled

Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu,


Dear Community Members

With the health and wellness of our congregation as our primary concern, the board of the Southwest Muslim Community Centre has taken the difficult decision to suspend all congregational prayers in both Masjid Annoor and Annoor Islamic Centre. 

Our decision to suspend group or congregational prayers is based on our primary concern for the health and wellness of our congregation and to minimizing the possibility of community transmission of the COVID-19 virus.  We ask Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to keep our communities safe and well during this difficult time for all.  This is in addition to the suspension of Jumaa, weekend school and all group Halaqa’s at both facilities.  We urge all members and users of our facilities to perform prayers at their home at this time again to minimize the possibility community transmission of this virus.

For those individuals who absolutely must use the Masajid, we ask you that you bring your prayer mats, or use the paper mats available at the entrances to both Masajid, to come with Wudu, not to stay in Masajid for any more than absolutely necessary, to always maintain the highest level of personal hygiene, and to maintain at least 2 meter distance (6 feet) between any 2 individuals.

Above all, a reminder to all of us to continue to seek Allah’s protection from this and other calamities for ourselves, our families, neighbors and humanity at large.


Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Southwest Muslim Community Centre Board