Annoor Prayer Times
March 10, 2025

9 Ramadan 1446

Jumuah 1:45

Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.     Quran 2:274

Day of Ashura

Day of Ashura

‘Ashura – Muharram 10,1443 AH – August 19,2021


It was narrated from Humaid bin ‘Abdur-Rahman- that is Ibn ‘Awf, that Abu Hurairah said, “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,

أَفْضَلُ الصِّيَامِ بَعْدَ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ شَهْرُ اللَّهِ الْمُحَرَّمُ…

‘Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram, one of the four holy months, is an important day for all Muslims. Among many landmark events in the lives of some of the prophets (AS), it marks the day that the Prophet Moses (AS), by the mercy of Allah, was saved from the Pharaoh of Egypt by splitting and crossing the Red Sea with his (AS) people.

The practice of fasting on ‘Ashura by Quraish and the Jews was known even before the emergence of Islam. It was also reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) and the Muslims used to fast on ‘Ashura’ in Makkah before the migration to Medina. When the fasting of the month of Ramadan was made obligatory, obligation of fasting ‘Ashura’ was abrogated.

Narrated by `Aisha (RA): The people used to fast on ‘Ashura before the fasting of Ramadan was made obligatory. And on that day the Ka`ba used to be covered with a cover. When Allah made the fasting of the month of Ramadan compulsory, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of ‘Ashura’) may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so.” [Sahih Bukhari: 1592]

Ibn ‘Abbas (RA) reported the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) arrived in Medina and found the Jews observing fast on the day of ‘Ashura. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to them, “What is the (significance) of this day that you observe fast on it?”  They said: “It is the day of great (significance) when Allah delivered Moses and his people, and drowned the Pharaoh and his people, and Moses observed fast out of gratitude and we also observe it.” Upon this the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “We have more right, and we have a closer connection with Moses than you have.”  So, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) observed fast (on the day of ‘Ashura), and gave orders that it should be observed. [Sahih Muslim 1130]

Ibn ‘Abbas (RA) reported that when the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) fasted on the day of ‘Ashura and commanded that it should he observed as a fast, they (his Companions (RA)) said to him, “Messenger of Allah, it is a day which the Jews and Christians hold in high esteem.” Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When the next year comes, Allah willing, we would observe fast on the 9th (in addition to the 10th). But the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) died before the advent of the next year. [Sahih Muslim: 1134 (a)]

When Ibn Abbas (RA) was asked about the observing of fast on the ‘Ashura, whereupon he said: “I do not know the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) singling out any day’s fast and considering it more excellent than another, except this day (the Day of ‘Ashura) and this month, meaning the month of Ramadan.” [Sahih Muslim: 1132 (a)]

So, fasting on the day of ’Ashura is a confirmed Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) and makes one entitled to a great reward from Allah.

One of the many blessings of Allah for those who observe fast on ‘Day of Ashura’ is that their sins of the past year will be forgiven as was narrated by Abu Qatada (R.A.) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Fasting the day of ‘Ashura’, I hope, will expiate for the sins of the previous year.”  [Ibn Majah: 1738)

The Hadith clearly mentions the word of Prophet (ﷺ) as “I hope” which means that the person should observe the fast wholeheartedly for Allah only and seek reward from Allah only and, Inshallah, Allah almighty will reward that person with removal of his sins during the previous year.

By observing fast on the Day of ‘Ashura and doing good deeds, we will be reviving one of our Prophet’s (ﷺ) Sunnah and whoever revives Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ), they will be with our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) in paradise according to the following Hadith, narrated by Anas bin Malik (RA) that Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “…Whoever revives my Sunnah then he has loved me. And whoever loved me, he shall be with me in Paradise.‘”  [Tirmidhi: 2678]

Adha BBQ

Adha BBQ

Assalamu Alaikum

SMCC is pleased to announce the return of our annual community BBQ. This year our BBQ will take place on Sunday July 25, 2021 from 2:00 pm until 7:30 pm at Gold Bar Park Site 2 located at 10955 – 50 St. NW (Park site map & Google map at the bottom of page for directions).

Tickets may be purchased from any Shura member for $5 per person or $20 per family.  Children 6 & under are free.

We look forward to seeing you there Inshallah.

Easing Of Covid-19 Restrictions 2021-05-28

Easing Of Covid-19 Restrictions 2021-05-28

Assalamu Alaikum


As announced by the Premiere of Alberta, Jason Kenney, religious institutions will now be permitted to hold services for a maximum number of people equal to 15% of fire code occupancy effective Friday May 28, 2021. That translates to 61 people at Annoor Islamic Centre (332 Saddleback Road) and 27 people at Masjid Annoor (3032 – 106 Street).  Please continue to wear masks and maintain 2 meters social distancing.

May 5 Covid-19 Restrictions

May 5 Covid-19 Restrictions

Assalamu Alaikum & Ramadan Mubarak


As many of you may know, on May 4th Alberta Premiere Jason Kenney implemented new restrictions on religious institutions due to the surge in Covid-19. The capacity for religious services has been restricted to 15 persons.

Although some other Masajid have decided to suspend their prayer services, Masjid Annoor (MA) and Annoor Islamic Centre (AIC) have decided to continue offering prayer services all the while complying with the new provincial government guidelines.

Inshallah we will manage the prayers using the following methods during the initial three weeks that these provincial restrictions are in effect.

Annoor Islamic Centre:

Tahajjud:   Tahajjud Prayer will commence 40 minutes before Fajr Azan and last for approximately 25 minutes.

Fajr:  Fajr prayers will be offered after the Azan. If there is a demand for subsequent prayers, tickets will be issued to each person. Each person will be asked to wait in their vehicle until a specified time. Each prayer will normally be 15 minutes in duration.

Zuhr:  The Zuhr prayer will be offered at 2:00pm. The prayer may start anytime after Azan only if the maximum capacity of 15 has been reached. If there is a demand for subsequent prayers, tickets will be issued to each person. The second prayer will normally start at 2:20pm – earlier only if the maximum capacity of 15 has been reached. Each person will be asked to wait in their vehicle until a specified time. Each prayer will normally be 20 minutes in duration.

Asr:  The first Asr prayer will be offered at 6:00pm (until May 21st, 6:15pm after May 21st). The prayer may start anytime after Azan only if the maximum capacity of 15 has been reached. If there is a demand for subsequent prayers, tickets for the subsequent prayer will be issued to each person. The second prayer will normally start at 6:15pm (until May 21st, 6:30pm after May 21st) – earlier only if the maximum capacity of 15 has been reached. Each person will be asked to wait in their vehicle until a specified time. Each prayer will normally be 15 minutes in duration.

Maghrib:  Maghrib prayers will be offered 5 minutes after the Azan. If there is a demand for subsequent prayers, tickets for the subsequent prayers will be issued to each person. Each person will be asked to wait in their vehicle until a specified time. Each prayer will normally be 15 minutes in duration.

 Isha:  After the conclusion of Ramadan Isha prayers will commence 5 minutes after Azan. If there is a demand for subsequent prayers, tickets for the subsequent prayers will be issued to each person. Each person will be asked to wait in their vehicle until a specified time. Each prayer will normally be 15 minutes in duration.

Isha/Taraweeh/Witr:  During Ramadan, 3 sets of Isha/Taraweeh/Witr prayers will be offered daily. Each session will normally last 35-40 minutes. The first starting after the Azan for Isha. Those arriving for Isha/Taraweeh/Witr prayers that find the current session is full will be issued a ticket for a subsequent prayer and asked to wait in their vehicles until a specified time.

Jumu’ah:   As long as we are able to do so, 3 Jumu’ah prayers will be offered – Azan time, 2:30, and 3:30.  Those arriving for Jumu’ah prayers that find the current prayer is full will be issued a ticket for a subsequent prayer and asked to wait in their vehicles until a specified time. No tickets will be handed out in advance.  All prayers are first come, first serve. No Children under the age of maturity will be allowed.

****Updated Times**** Eid:   On Eid day, there will be 6 Eid prayer sessions – 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 and 9:30.  Those arriving for Eid prayers that find the current session is full will be issued a ticket and asked to wait in their vehicles until a specified time. No tickets will be handed out in advance.  All prayers are first come, first serve.


Masjid Annoor:   

Tahajjud:   Tahajjud prayer will commence 40 minutes before Fajr Azan and last for approximately 25 minutes.

5 Daily Prayer:   At Masjid Annoor there is rarely a demand for more than one session of the 5 daily prayers. All prayers will commence in accordance with the website prayer table times. If those that arrive at the Masjid and find a need for more than one session and a Shura member is not available, we ask a responsible member from the community to ask those in the Masjid to adhere to the 15 person maximum and to organize a second session.

Isha/Taraweeh/Witr:  During Ramadan, 2 sets of Isha/Taraweeh/Witr prayers will be offered daily. Each session will normally last 40-45 minutes. The first starting after the Azan for Isha.  Those arriving for Isha/Taraweeh/Witr prayers that find the first session is full will be issued a ticket and asked to wait in their vehicles until a specified time.

Jumu’ah:  There will be 1 Jumu’ah prayer offered at Azan time. No Children under the age of maturity will be allowed.

****Updated Times**** Eid:  Eid day, there will be 3 Eid prayer sessions – 7:00, 7:30, 8:00.  Those arriving for Eid prayers that find the current session is full will be issued a ticket for the subsequent prayer and asked to wait in their vehicles until a specified time. No tickets will be handed out in advance.  All prayers are first come, first serve.


The Southwest Muslim Community Centre (SMCC) would like to thank you in advance for you understanding and patience.  May Allah lift this virus from us and cure those afflicted by it.

Jazakumullahu Khairan & Ramadan Mubarak

Tahajjud Prayer Schedule

Tahajjud Prayer Schedule

The following table depicts the start times for Tahajjud prayers at AIC and Masjid Annoor. The Tahajjud prayers will normally start 40 minutes before Fajr Azan and last 20 – 25 minutes. This leaves approximately 15 minutes before Fajr Azan for Suhoor for those who wish to do so.


Tahajjud Start

Fajr Azan

Monday May 3



Tuesday May 4



Wednesday May 5



Thursday May 6



Friday May 7



Saturday May 8



Sunday May 9



Monday May 10



Tuesday May 11



Wednesday May 12

